
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 10: Next Blog Topic (yes..I'm behind again)

One of my items on my Master ToDo list is to come up with a "meaningful" blog topic for when I am done with this one on November 3, 2013.  I was just going to let that one wait until I felt inspired.  Yesterday, I felt inspired to blog about food.  I haven't decided the number (I don't think I can do 365), but maybe like 200 new recipes in one year.  So, unless something better comes along (and it may, I can never settle), my next blog will be about food.  And it will be all new recipes that I have never tried before, so anything I do this year won't count.

Now...I said I was starting in the scrap room on day 13, but I just didn't so I started today.  I knew I wasn't going to be able to tackle it all on one day and didn't intend to.  So I broke the room up in 3 sections.  The closet, the main scrap area (takes up one full wall), and under the bed (I have 2 under the bed storage under there, but I need to go through and just get rid of stuff, it's ridiculous how much stuff I have in that room.  I desperately want to be able to use it for it's function.  Every time I do a project, I get my supplies from there and work on the dining room table.  Then somehow the supplies never make it back to where I got them from and they end up on the bed.  So, the best tip I've seen for organizing is to have more space than you have stuff.

I spent the better part of Ayden's first nap in there and I guess I need to go back and see if I can finish the closet.  I won't be able to completely finish it to the way I want because I need more storage containers, but will have to make due with what I have.

I will blog pictures later when I officially post for Day 11.

See y'all later!

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